our team

Our team is made up of PCC students, faculty, and staff who have a burden to share the Gospel with the people of Chile and who desire to support the work of a native Chilean ministry. Our team members are ready to work hard and use their talents for the glory of God. All college students can participate. It is not necessary to know Spanish or to be an Education or a Bible major. Our team is open to all students, staff, and faculty. We value the skills and talents that each of our members brings to the team.
We have found that young people in Chile have a great desire to learn English. Our team members offer them the opportunity to learn and practice English by using carefully designed lessons—including memorization of Bible verses from the King James version of the Bible. These verses open the door to share the gospel and many students have been saved through these lessons.

Use the “Contact” tab to email the team leader or call 850-430-9772 with any questions.

join our team

Ready to serve on the mission field? Sign up for one of our short-term mission trip opportunities available each summer.