our ministry

Our ministry in Chile is twofold and involves total immersion in Chilean culture. First, our team ministers in two middle schools that belong to the Centro Bíblico Corporation. American missionaries started this corporation, but now it is in the hands of Chilean believers. These two schools do not charge tuition, and most of their students are children under “social risk.” Many come from broken homes and have witnessed or experienced abuse. Most of them do not know Jesus as their personal Savior.

The ministry of the Centro Bíblico Corporation has given children hope through education and the preaching of the Word of God. Our ministry is to help by spending one week in each school. Our team teaches English to all grades (K–9th grade) using Bible verses. Our team members also interact with these children during recess and in the classroom. Our team arrives at school before it starts in the morning and stays until it closes in the afternoon. Only eternity will reveal the impact that our team members have on these children.

The second aspect of our ministry is our work with a native church. We support the work of Iglesia Centro Bíblico, an independent Baptist church in Santiago, where Ivan and Nikol Maluenda minister as youth leaders. The church has a large and active youth group. Our team members attend all services in this church, and we participate with special music and preaching. We also join them in evangelistic activities.

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